Real Estate office “Partner“

Real estate in Ñhernivtsi and abroad

Real Estate Supermarket "Square meter"
Real estate in abroad
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Our team

Our command

Today collective of Rieltorskoy kantory  of "ÏÀÐÒÍÅÐ"- it is the joined command of professionals and like-minded persons, in which devotion combines common cause with the individual aspiring to self-realization, by the serving source of dynamic development of all company.

We are sure that success each is the mortgage of success of company on the whole. Therefore guidance of Rieltorskoy "PARTNER" always aims to provide kantory  every employee companies optimum terms of labour and possibility for professional growth.

With the purpose of the permanent in-plant of personnel training in a company developed and inculcated teaching Plan, foreseeing the regular conducting of trainings, seminars and attestations for the employees of Rieltorskoy kantory  "PARTNER".

High results of employees, their adherence encouraged corporate principles in a company individual bonuses, and practical worker of ratings estimations of work of separate branches, sets and subdivisions instrumental in a permanent exchange experience into our collective.

Code of business ethics

All employees of Rieltorskoy kantory "PARTNER" follow in working as Code of business ethics, which formulates key values, principles, business norms and rules, accepted in our collective:

mutual respect, trust and support;

customer focus;

command work and aimed at a general result;

permanent teaching and development;

estimation on the personal labour deposit;

observance of single corporate standards.

In a company the special Ethics commission operates also in composition a management and leading employees of agency, called on the basis of Code of business ethics to settle all vexed questions, arising up in a working process.

Mission of company

«Doing high-professional rieltorskikh services, guaranteing a client maximal efficiency and safety of his operations with the real estate, and also daily efforts, directed on expansion of circle of clients and establishment with them of confiding relations of partners, allowing every client to recommend services of company the near and to the colleagues».

Tirelessly putting right new connections of partners, developing and realizing new projects,  Rieltorskaya of kantora  "PARTNER"  invites to the collaboration all, who can be interested in our services. We value a trust each the client and add a maximum of efforts for achieving the most effective results in the work!

Valentin Cheban
Rieltor ¹33

Svitlana Tolkachova

New buildings

St. Shukhevicha 26

Russkaya st. 236b

+38 099 038 72 98
+38 097 750 12 52
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